Happy Mercury square Neptune, folks!...

Even so, I am going to knock your socks off with the two main items in this issue following the introductory paragraphs. Patterns so striking that even the professional sceptic might be persuaded. Whether James Randi would part with his dollars is another matter!

I just spent a cheery ten minutes figuring out how to stop this issue bleeding all the yellow from your inkjet it seemed to be under the very mistaken impression that I wanted the whole text highlighted in acid gold. It happened to me once; now I do have the N.Node in sunny Leo, but all that precious yellow spewing out of the printer was most upsetting. Anyway, starting with a clean doc. has fixed it.

Good news for those of you who have been bending my ear about a new edition of "Draconic Astrology" Flare Publications are publishing it next year; it will be reworked, extended and enhanced as Volume One of Interdimensional Astrology. So I'm in for a busy winter, and Small Worlds may get smaller for a while!!! We'll see.


There is one possibly infallible source of research data for Small Worlders ... the Checkout! Have you read your till receipts recently? Lo, there, recorded to the minute, is the time you legally began your intimate relationship with the new VCR, electric toothbrush, strange food, daunting medication, life changing software whatever. I actually bought a new electric toothbrush a few weeks ago, at 16h56 bst on 27th August in Faversham's Superdrug: Capricorn ASC (teeth), under a brilliant Grand Cross of Mars (friction) / Saturn at IC (teeth & tartar!) / Uranus (electric) / Scorpio Moon conj.MC (objective:deep cleansing) And the Virgo Sun, ruler of 8th, was conj. the N.Node in the 8th and square Pluto. As this lot happened to be hitting my chart where it hurt, I was feeling increasingly migrainey; when I got home and tried the new toy, the vibration (7000 rpm or 117 cps) felt decidedly weird... and then my head cleared! Interesting. There is much fun to be had with this.


... is opposite our Saturns, we 1943 folk, and woe betide the misbehaving weed, the un paperless office, the chipped mug, the unflattering frock. Some years ago under not dissimilar conditions, a Hum began, such as Pooh might have hummed had he been of an astrological disposition:

" I have an urge

To purge;

Pluto is back to haunt me,

Nothing on earth can daunt me,

I have an urge

To purge..."

I'm sure you know the tune!

So far it's the filing cabinets, years of neurotically conserved boxes in an inaccessible loft, over zealous ivy, and the nasturtiums ( which, in our famously Scorpio garden turn into Triffids after one night of unaccustomed rain ) but who knows what further havoc may yet be wreaked (wrought?)


Michael Stone has been in the dock, accused of the murder of Dr. Lyn Russell and her younger daughter Megan as they walked home at Chillenden in Kent about 16h20 on July 9th 1996. Estimated coordinates are 51n14, 1e14.

I'd like to know what Gary Heaton finds in this chart, but he hasn't sent me his email address yet can anyone put us in touch?

Timing the attack

At 16h25 there was a configuration of Moon in 6th/Pluto in 1st = Asc/Desc. This actually creates an interdimensional (IDA for short from now on!) line up of Tropical Moon, Draconic Asc/Desc and Sidereal Pluto a public trauma involving a woman, a child, with possibly karmic elements. On the tropical Desc are Draconic Pluto and sidereal Venus. At this point we probably see the start of the drama, the attraction to the woman and her two children.

At 16h32 the MC conjoins asteroid Sabine (rape of women).

At 16h37 the IC meets sidereal Saturn, and they are being obstructed, frightened; this may be when Josie was tied up in the way she has described to the court.

At 16h50 we have MC on asteroid Lynn (14virgo53) and conjunct Sidereal Chiron, then at 16h52 opposite Meges (15pisces55), with asteroid Josefa (23scorpio00) rising, sidereal Mars now on the tropical Desc with Xenophanes (strangelooking); and it is still on the Desc as MC reaches the sidereal N.Node and tropical Josephina (17virgo01). Here is Josie's suffering as she hears her mother's cries. Paine is on the MC at 16h53.

At 17h05 the MC squares Mars in coelo while exactly opposing asteroid Armandhammer at the IC.

This would appear to describe 40 minutes of increasing terror.

At the beginning...

At the start, DoctorWatson is on the MC and Celsius is setting; Fahrenheit and Descamisada (shirtless) are conj. Sun and so is Phaethon (a driver) and Nemesis, and Requiem. Square the Sun are Apollonia (one who is highly educated, cultured) and Desdemona. Opposite the Sun is Russell (16cap13). This is where I get the shivers, because we know who murdered Desdemona; and Cupido and Loke (the malign norse god) are opposite the Moon, which is conjunct Kaali; and Antigone (the incestuously begotten daughter) is at the IC.

It would seem to have been a hot day, and the trio and/or the man watching them lightly dressed. The driver is described, and the imminence of death ... but the asteroids suggest that something built up to this; desire and destruction lie in wait for these three, and it may only appear to have been money the man demanded. Unhealthy attraction may have been an element. Why is Desdemona involved?...what is under the surface of this tragedy?

Where is Michael Stone?

A potentially disquieting thing at first was the absence of any equally obvious positioning of asteroid Stone, which is in 28gemini05, 3gemini24 sidereally, 15sag47 in the draconic, still 3deg. from opp. Mars.

It is however squared by the MC at 16h51 when Paine culminates. Michel (Michael) is found with Saturn right opp. Chiron at 9aries05, so at 16h48 its sidereal position (14pisces24) is on the tropical IC. At this time, therefore, the name of the accused is firmly printed on the murder scene together with those of his victims.

When we lookat the dwads of "Michel Stone", and the midpoint of the two asteroids forming his name, we find the following:

TropDwad Stone 7 Taurus conj. Moon and Draconic ASC.

TropDwad Michel 19 Cancer conj. Sun.

Trop. Michel/Stone midpoint 18taurus35 conj Desc, Draconic Pluto, Sidereal Venus at 16h20 when they were last seen.

And at the same time, still embracing orbs of the very same midpoint axis which they formed in 16 Scorpio just after 4 o'clock, were Lynn/Russell, Meges/Russell, Jose/Russell.

There the three of them were and there he was too... waiting two degrees, twenty minutes away.

How clearly the dreadful story is told. How can anyone, seeing this, underestimate the importance of the asteroids?

Now have a look for yourselves; can you cast more light on motives here? Are there hidden agendas around this 8th house Sun?

Q's and Answers!

Now then here is what I have been itching to tell you for a couple of months but couldn't because it was to be aired first at the UT on 30th September.

It is one of the most interesting and useful spins on synastry I have come across in a long time, and it started when a client came about a troubling relationship. She was desperate to make a clear decision, and without examining the man's chart this was proving impossible. For once it felt important enough to waive my usual scruples about the need for consent, but even so, nothing clear enough emerged to be helpful to her. We needed a time, and we didn't have one.


Then a thought occurred to me: every day at your birth time a transiting pattern forms which characterises that day's impact or lack thereof on your life. Confusingly, these sensitive daily charts are known as Quotidians, which is also the term used by some astrologers for the important Daily Progressed Angles, or DPA's. The point was that this man was born on a day which like any other would be sensitised at my client's birth time, yielding a Quotidian! A moment later, I was looking at Saturn conjunct Descendant, and we had our answer. She could see for herself that no joy would ever be hers if she stayed with this difficult man, only frustration and unhappy consequences. Her relief was touching.


If a Quotidian henceforth a Q chart could be so dramatically useful in cases where one of two birth times (or indeed inception times) was unknown, then it must surely be worth examining even where all times were known. So out came the well worn file on the Princess of Wales. And this is what we find (taking Diana's time as 19h45):

Charles Q Diana (ie Charles' date, Diana's time) Saturn conj. IC

Diana Q Charles (ie Diana's date, Charles' time) Saturn conj ASC

illustrating vividly the marriage of duty, the inevitable mutual unhappiness, the loneliness, the estrangement.

Now, there is an extra facet to this that emerged by a mistake I made: there is a real Q and an apparent Q! ... depending on Zone Time! Above, we have the times corrected, but I also put up a chart for an uncorrected time, altering the pattern by an hour. Now we find:

Diana CQ Charles (ie Diana's date, Charles' GMT time on her BST Clock) Sun conj. Desc!

And look at this:

Camilla CQ Charles (ie Camilla's date, Charles' GMT time on her BST Clock) Sun conj. Desc! (and S.Node conj.MC)


Camilla Q Charles (ie Camilla's date, Charles time, corrected) Mars conj. IC!

Intriguingly and by now unsurprisingly, we find

Charles Q Camilla (ie Charles' date, Camilla's time, corrected) Moon conj. Desc .... implying that for Camilla, a relationship with Charles is as good as a wife to a husband; BUT for Charles with her there will only ever be the appearance of a true and heartfelt relationship, just as with Diana. The reality is what so many Scorpio men do with Mars at the IC!...

(Now I can vouch for this personally! PamNotYetCrane CQ GerardCrane = Mars conj. ASC, whereas PamToBeCrane Q GerardCrane = Moon conj. Desc. ie GJC thought I was going to be an unaccustomed fling, but soon found that in fact he had a wife!)

And this theme continues as we explore this network of relationships further:

Divorce Q Charles: Mars conj.IC (again!!!) opp. Neptune at MC (note that the divorce actually took place 12 hours earlier with Neptune at IC, Mars at MC, and Charles was born with Neptune at IC! Interpret at will ...

Divorce Q Camilla: Moon conj. Desc (again!!!) Sun conj. ASC. She reckon she got her man. (But Pluto squaring?)

Divorce Q Diana: Moon conj. ASC, Sun conj. Desc! again, squared byPluto. Now then, does this mean she really refused to recognise the divorce? Or did she already have a replacement in mind, a real husband, for whom she was now free?

Mohammed Al Fayed CQ Diana: Moon conj. ASC. Appears to have gained in her a daughter. ( My Dad also has Moon conj. ASC at my birth time but the real Q.

Mohammed Al Fayed Q Diana: Venus Desc, Mars conj. MC. Hmmmmm. Did she realise?

Dodi Al Fayed CQ Diana: Mercury Desc, Jupiter conj. MC. Seems to be just a fun loving, wealthy friend ...

Dodi Al Fayed Q Diana: Sun conj. Desc, Moon conj. IC (and Chiron), Neptune ASC. ... but when T. Saturn hit this angular cardinal T square she was to be united with him spiritually in death (Moon on 4th!)

Crash CQ Diana: Jupiter ASC, Moon Desc. That moment should only have meant shared enjoyment ... but

Crash Q Diana: Moon's South Node conj. ASC, Sun in orbs of Desc with Mercury. It actually meant sacrifice of her material body, union with the man. And it even works the other way round, ie "what does Diana mean to this crash?"...

Diana Q Crash (ie Crash time and place on Diana's date): South Node conj. ASC (again!!!) also Chiron; Mars, Pluto, N.Node, Uranus all Desc.Sacrifice of material body in traumatic accident.

We can do the same with Charles:

Charles CQ Crash (ie uncorrected Crash time, Charles' date and place): Saturn conj. ASC. He appears to be bereaved and grieving.

Charles Q Crash (real time and place of crash, Charles' date): Pluto ASC, Mercury/S.Node at IC, N.Node at MC. In reality his life is transformed and he has to let go of the past to take his future, his royal career, seriously.

and with Dodi:

Dodi Al Fayed Q Crash ( ditto, Dodi's date): Mars Desc in Gemini. Too fast.

... and for his birthplace instead of Paris: Moon ASC, Sun conj. IC, Neptune at MC. Spiritual union of man and woman. Again.

I could go on; the relationship apparent and real between the Queen and Prince Philip, between them, the Queen Mother, and the younger Royals; and every excuse for synastry in the files! Take a look for yourselves and see what you find. Realise, too, that lack of a birthtime need never trouble us so much again, since it is now clear that a chart can be reliably set for a time that is known to be of deep significance in that person's life.


