Well, it's four days after the event, and we'll all have been trying to pin down the exact time of Osama bin Laden's demise - with some difficulty, as reports have been often vague, or the understanding of time zones woefully lacking (eg the Daily Telegraph who had the impression that Pakistan was on also on Summer Time. It's not.)

Piecing the jigsaw of accounts together it would seem that his shooting by US Navy Seals occurred about 20 minutes into the 38-minute operation at Abbotabad in Pakistan. This is said to have begun at 00h30 Pakistan standard time, 20h30 BST, so the Al Qaeda leader met his end at around 00h50. This is the time when President Obama and his security staff are said to have seen the live video footage; but the Telegraph says there was a 20-minute delay on the image stream. So either the '15h50' or '15h55' EDT refers to the realtime death of bin Laden, or the death occurred almost as soon as the Seals entered the compound at 15h30 Washington time. The latter isn't possible, as they first had to fight their way through the building to bin Laden's room.

Anyway, I've gone with 00h50, which is less obviously exciting than my initial chart that was based on duff information! But I've done the dwad of course...

Once again, the dwad is fully descriptive of the death at that moment. The dwad Ascendant conjoins the dwad Dragon's Tail; and these points are at 19/20 Pisces, right on bin Laden's natal Sun, robbing him of his life. Right opposite in 19 Virgo stand the Sun of 9/11, its rising sidereal Mercury and all the pain of draconic Chiron. Over nine years on, a half-turn of the Dragon, at last the perpetrator has paid.

There have been many speculative birth charts for this man over the past decade, but March 10th 1957 was both the date obtained from Interpol and the date that bin Laden apparently gave in an interview. When you put a chart up for true Noon that day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with 19 Pisces on the MC you find the Moon exactly rising - the classic Fame Pattern of double angular Lights on the birthday. And right on that Moon/Asc in 0 Cancer is helio Mars.

When you enter into bin Laden's nativity the times of the attacks he master-minded against targets in the West, over and over again Mars, Saturn and/or Pluto are found on these Q-chart angles.

The time of the Madrid train bombing, 07h39 CET, in Spain the day after his birthday in 2004 puts his Mars so close to the Ascendant that it is still angular in the dwad, where also Uranus 'sets' opposite - violently explosive. Not only this, but at the actual time of the detonations his Sun-degree had just risen, and transiting Mars in 23 Taurus was conjoining that natal Mars and Q Ascendant in Taurus 25.

At the time London was hit on 7/7/2005, 08h50 BST, his Saturn was setting with Pluto at the IC; dwad Mars was in the Midheaven and the dwad Saturn/Desc conjoined radix Mars/S.Node.

At 08h46 EDT, the hour and minute the first plane smashed into the North Tower on 9/11/2001 the MC - approaching his S.Node and Mars - picks up bin Laden's dwad Saturn, and radix Saturn is on the dwad MC. The time the second plane hit the South Tower - 09h01 EDT - brings the MC right onto his S.Node, closer still to Mars, and a dwad Asc/Saturn within a couple of degrees of completion. There is also a dwad Chiron/IC conjunction. At 09h59 EDT the first of the towers fell; at this time on bin Laden's birth day the dwad Uranus-Mars opposition straddles the Asc-Desc, the radix Mars/S.Node is on the dwad Desc and Saturn, and radix Chiron is on the dwad IC. 10h30, when the second tower collapsed with such heart-breaking loss of life Ceres and the IC were exactly conjunct in the dwad closing on dwad Saturn, and in the radix Saturn was right on the IC.
Evil moments and evil deeds of an evil man.

On the day of bin Laden's death, Saturn was reflexing onto his Sun from 11+ Libra (contrantiscion); and at the moment of death by gunshot his natal Mars/Dragon's tail conjunction in 21-25 Taurus was at the transiting IC. There was also a transiting Mars/S.Node conjunction on 911, close to Ceres - the bereaved woman. This was right opposite bin Laden's 12h00 Moon. The dwad Mars of his death in 3 Capricorn was only 4' from that radix Mars of 911.

And at the death time of 00h50, zone -5h00, on the day of his birth in Riyadh, the Q-chart of that day with his death, his natal Mars was exactly setting with the South Node close by, opposite his reflex Uranus and dwad Neptune on the Ascendant. At the same time Pluto hit the Midheaven together with his reflex Neptune and dwad Leo Ascendant, right opposite dwad Mars and Descendant,with reflex Ceres at the radix IC. His enemy's gunshots ended bin Laden's reign of terror and brought some satisfaction to thousands of the bereaved. "Whosoever lives by the sword shall die by the sword". Whosoever lives by violence shall die by violence. Violence, extremism and the hatred born of inflated self-righteousness were always going to be the eventual undoing of Osama bin Laden.

On September 11th 2001, I put a videotape into my bedroom TV/VCR and found myself in a waking nightmare; I had inadvertently switched on live coverage of one of the greatest tragedies to hit the civilised world. Yesterday, May 5th 2011, I popped downstairs at 6 pm to tell Gerard something - and witnessed in real time the historic laying of a wreath at Ground Zero by President Barack Obama, an act of commemoration and of closure for the thousands of families of nearly 3000 of bin Laden's victims.

Please God let this be the end of the nightmare.

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